The theoretical media-educational model developed by the authors of the article, aimed at the effective development of the audience's ability to reasonably counter the false (or partially false) information contained in the anti-Russian Internet communication sources from Ukraine (taking into account the ability to analyze the political, ideological, economic and other motives that lead to anti-Russian propaganda in Ukrainian media educational Internet communication portals, websites) consists of the following main structural building blocks (units):Unit 1. Technology of development of audience's skills to reasonably confront false (or partially false) information contained in anti-Russian Ukrainian Internet communication sources (knowledge of media communication processes, propaganda influences and typology of false (or partially false) information; knowledge of basic techniques of analysis of Internet communication sources (including fact checking, political, ideological, economic and other motives conditioning anti-Russian propaganda in Ukrainian (media education) Internet communication portals, websites; skills to apply this knowledge in the process of the analysis of various web resources, containing anti-Russian propaganda.Unit 2. Anti-propaganda Internet communications competence of the individual (information competence in the field of Internet communications and countering propaganda influences; analytical competence in the field of Internet communications related to detecting propaganda and/or fake messages).Unit 3: The main indicators of anti-propaganda Internet communication competence of an individual (high level (a wide range of knowledge in the field of Internet communication, types and technologies of media influences, propaganda; types and technologies of media information analysis); medium level (limited knowledge in the field of Internet communication, types and technologies of media influences, propaganda; types and technologies of media information analysis); low level (no knowledge (or minimal knowledge) of these (see above).Unit 4: Creative application of knowledge about media communication processes, propaganda influences and the typology of false (or partially false) information and analytical skills in this area (including the ability to independently apply knowledge about media communication processes, propaganda influences and the typology of false (or partially false) information and analytical skills in this area in new conditions and using new samples).