Background: Birth weight and adult body weight have independently been associated with breast cancer risk. Thus, we hypothesize that low birth weight, in combination with adult overweight, may influence premenopausal hormonal levels over an entire menstrual cycle.Methods: Among 204 healthy women, aged 25-35 years, who participated in the Norwegian EBBA-I Study, birth weight and age at menarche, were assessed. Levels of 17!-estradiol were measured in daily saliva samples over one menstrual cycle using radioimmunoassay (RIA). Measurements of body composition; waist circumference (cm), body mass index (BMI, kg/m 2 ) and total fat percentage (DEXA, %) were assessed. Fasting blood samples were drawn, and serum concentrations of lipids and hormones determined.
Results:The participating women had mean birth weight of 3389 g and age at menarche 13.1 years. Women within the highest tertile of birth weight had the lowest 17!-estradiol throughout the menstrual cycle (p=0.03), and they tended to have a later age at menarche (p= 0.06). When we looked into birth weight in combination with adult attained weight, we found that women with lower birth weights, combined with excess weight during adulthood, had higher levels of free 17!-estradiol over an entire menstrual cycle compared with women with high birth weights and adult overweight. Women with birth weights < 3530 g, who later developed excess body weight (waist " 84 cm), showed 33% higher 17!-estradiol concentrations over a menstrual cycle compared with women with higher birth weights (" 3530 g) and adult excess body weight (p = 0.03). The association was even more pronounced in women with birth weights < 3220 g, early age at menarche (< 12 years) and adult overweight.
Conclusion:Our findings support variation of premenopausal levels of 17!-estradiol in response to birth weight and energy status in adult life, suggesting that women with low birth weight in combination with adult overweight are put at risk for higher estradiol levels throughout menstrual cycles, of possible importance for breast cancer risk.
IntroductionSeveral studies have observed a strong relationship between birth weight and later risk of chronic diseases, indicating that fetal conditions may influence later susceptibility to adult disease ('Forsdahl-Barker hypothesis') (1), (2), (3). Thus, women with low birth weight may have different set points for their physiological ovarian responsiveness to changes in energy balance later in life compared with women with higher birth weight.Furthermore, the westernization of society including high levels of available energy combined with low overall energy expenditure, could provide new challenges for normal physiology and response, not only during the fetal period and early childhood, but also throughout life. It has been observed that birth size, a marker of fetal growth and intrauterine environment (4), together with later growth pattern and availability of energy, may influence later risk of chronic diseases, as for example diabetes or breast cancer (5), (6...