The title compound, a four-membered boron-nitrogen ring system, was investigated by X-ray methods.The crystals are monoclinic, space group P21/a with a=22.11, b= 14.96, c= 10.93/~, ~= 108"6 °, and four molecules in the unit cell. The structure determination is based on 3449 reflexion values, which were mainly obtained with the aid of an automatic diffractometer. Three-dimensional Patterson and Fourier syntheses were used for the structure determination. The structure was refined by least squares. The proposed structure could be confirmed. The four-membered.ring is planar, within the limits of accuracy of the determination, and the substituents on the N atoms are also arranged in a plane. The Si atoms attached to the exocyclic N atoms lie, however, not in the plane of the four-membered ring, but almost perpendicular to it. This can be attributed to steric factors. The following average bond lengths were found: B-N 1.45, N-Si 1.75, Si-C 1.87/~. The shortness of the exocyclic B-N bond is surprising since the substituent on the B and N atoms are arranged nearly perpendicularly to one another, not allowing the formation of a classical n-bond.