Using the variational method, it is shown that the set of all strong peak functions in a closed algebra A of C b (K) is dense if and only if the set of all strong peak points is a norming subset of A. As a corollary we can induce the denseness of strong peak functions on other certain spaces. In case that a set of uniformly strongly exposed points of a Banach space X is a norming subset of P( n X), then the set of all strongly norm attaining elements in P( n X) is dense. In particular, the set of all points at which the norm of P( n X) is Fréchet differentiable is a dense G δ subset. In the last part, using Reisner's graph-theoretic approach, we construct some strongly norm attaining polynomials on a CL-space with an absolute norm. Then we show that for a finite dimensional complex Banach space X with an absolute norm, its polynomial numerical indices are one if and only if X is isometric to n ∞ . Moreover, we give a characterization of the set of all complex extreme points of the unit ball of a CL-space with an absolute norm.