Natural and synthetic dyes are added to food and beverages to improve the visuala ppearanceo ft he finalp roducts.S ynthetic dyes are commonly usedb ecause of their lower cost and higher stability towardl ight, oxygen and pH changes [1].A llura red (AR)a nd Tartrazine (T) are two azo dyes commonly that can be foundi nc ommon food products.However, they can cause allergic and intolerance reactions
[2].T he Food and Drug Administration establish acceptable daily intakes of 7a nd 5mg/kg/day for AR and T, respectively [3].I nM exico,t he maximum limits in drinks are 300 mg L À1 for AR and 100 mg L À1 for T, individually and 100 mg L À1 as mixture [4].Azo dyes have high values of molar absorption coefficients,t hus spectrophotometry has been commonly applied to determine these compounds [5]
[6][7].O ther methods described for this purpose are high performance liquid chromatography
[8],c apillary electrophoresis
[9] and electrochemical techniques.C athodic voltammetry has been applied to determine azo dyes as ac onsequence of the reduction processo btained using mercury [10], modified carbon [11]
[12] and bismuth film electrodes
[13]. Thea ntimony film electrode (SbFE)h as demonstrated to possess adequate analytical performance compares to bismuth and mercury films during analysis of inorganic ions by anodic strippingv oltammetry
[14].R egarding the analysis of azo compounds by SbFE, it has been describedt he analysis of sulfasalazine in pharmaceutical formulation [15].
Nowadays al aboratory should be able to perform determinations of al arge number of samples in an accurate, reproducible,f ast and economicw ay.F low techniques and in particular Sequential Injection Analysis (SIA) has becomei sbecoming an important toolf or the automation of chemicalp rocedures [16].T he combination of SIA with voltammetric detection improves the sensitivity and reproducibility of the methoda sac onsequence of the highly controllable conditions provided by the flowing solutions.