Black-hole spectroscopy is arguably the most promising tool to test gravity in extreme regimes and to probe the ultimate nature of black holes with unparalleled precision. These tests are currently limited by the lack of a ringdown parametrization that is both robust and accurate. We develop an observable-based parametrization of the ringdown of spinning black holes beyond general relativity, which we dub ParSpec (Parametrized Ringdown Spin Expansion Coefficients). This approach is perturbative in the spin, but it can be made arbitrarily precise (at least in principle) through a high-order expansion. It requires O(10) ringdown detections, which should be routinely available with the planned space mission LISA and with third-generation ground-based detectors. We provide a preliminary analysis of the projected bounds on parametrized ringdown parameters with LISA and with the Einstein Telescope, and discuss extensions of our model that can be straightforwardly included in the future. arXiv:1910.12893v1 [gr-qc] 28 Oct 2019where J = 1, 2, ..., q labels the mode; M i and χ i 1 are the detector-frame mass and spin of the i-th source, both measured assuming GR (see below); D is the order of the spin expansion; w (n) J and t (n) J are the dimensionless coefficients of the spin expansion for a Kerr BH in GR (provided in Table I for a few representative modes); γ i are dimensionless coupling constants, which can depend on the source i -see Eq. (6) below -but do not depend 1 The QNMs are identified by three integer numbers: the angular momentum number l, the azimuthal number m ∈ [−l, l], and the overtone number, which we set to zero in this paper, i.e. we only consider fundamental modes. For ease of notation we leave these indices implicit, i.e. ω (J) ≡ ω (0lm) , where J is an index that labels the mode. (n) J and δt (n) J (n) J and δt (n) J (or, equivalently, δW (n) J and δT (n) J ), these corrections depend only on the theory and not on the source.It is easy to check that, to leading order in α, the redefinitionsbring Eqs. (A1) and (A2) to the form in Eqs.(3) and (4) used in the main text. The above redefinitions also show that there is some degeneracy among the beyond-GR parameters, and that one can only constrain the combinations δw (n) J and δt (n) J , which contains the intrinsic mode corrections (δW (n) J and δT (n) J ) and the mass and spin corrections (δm and δχ).(n) J and δt (n) J are unconstrained by the data.