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ABSTRACT:The purpose of this project was to find the normal modes for a mathematical model of the Chesapeake Bay geometry.The method used, normal mode analysis, was similar to that of and Lipphardt et al. [2000]. Normal mode analysis uses a truncated basis set of velocity fields to approximate the flow for a specific body of water. The approach taken in this project uses the three modes described by for application to Monterey Bay with one mode corresponding to flows with streamline potentials, one mode to flows with velocity potentials and an inhomogeneous mode which takes into account forcing functions at the boundaries. In practice linear combinations of these three normal modes are used to provide a complete picture of the flows in a specific body of water from limited amounts of empirical or model data. The ability to accurately fill in partial empirical velocity fields can be used to provide the military with current data in coastal waters for mission planning or navigation. This approach is also useful for studying the spread of wet life in a body of water. There is no analytical solution for the normal mode equations with a boundary as complicated as the Chesapeake Bay, which has 11,684 miles of shoreline but is only 189 miles long and 30 miles wide. Therefore, the normal modes have been calculated using a finite differencing method in MATLAB® alongside the finite element based program FEMLAB®. Convergence and accuracy of the solutions were first tested on the square, the circle and the equilateral triangle geometries, then the normal mode equations were solved for a representation of the Chesapeake Bay. This project has produced two useful products: the normal modes of the Chesapeake Bay and open source MATLAB® code that uses the finite difference method. . The purpose of this project was to find the normal modes for a mathematical model of the Chesapeake Bay geometry. The method used, normal mode analysis, was similar to that of and Lipphardt et al. [2000]. Normal mode analysis uses a truncated basis set of velocity fields to approximate the flow for a specific body of water. The approach taken in this project uses the three modes described by for application to Monterey
NUMBER OF PAGESBay with one mode corresponding to flows with streamline potentials, one mode to flows with velocity potentials and an inhomogeneous mode which takes into account forcing functions at the boundaries. In practice linear combinations of these three normal modes are used to provide a...