Brunswick (UNB), Canada -for their unwavering support and constructive guidance throughout this thesis. They, upon whose shoulders I stand, explored and paved the path before me. Without them, this thesis would simply not have been possible. Such academic rigour as may be found in this thesis is largely due to Dr.Xiao's refusal to let me get away with things, while his unerring sense of when and how to intervene has taught me not only as a good researcher but also a potential good tutor. He is always willing to take time to listen, and usually provide insightful questions and comments as well as clear instructions as feedback. Dr. Lu is a renowned expert in cyber security domain, whose passion for doing research and teaching has set a new standard for everyone involved. His unstinting support and encouragement have driven me to strive to excellence.Having also a friend figure, Dr. Lu is really a nice guy who cares about his students not only on research career but also on daily lives. Many thanks are also due to Dr. Wang Licheng at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China, who started me down this road with selfless support, encouragement, and guidance.