This study aims to determine how glucagon intervenes in the regulation of fuel metabolism, especially lipolysis, at two stages of a spontaneous long-term fast characterized by marked differences in lipid and protein availability and/or utilization (phases II and III). Changes in the plasma concentration of various metabolites and hormones, and in lipolytic fluxes as determined by continuous infusion of [2-3 H]-glycerol and [1-14 C]palmitate, were examined in vivo in a subantarctic bird (king penguin) before, during, and after a 2-h glucagon infusion. In the two fasting phases, glucagon infusion at a rate of 0.025 g ⅐ kg Ϫ1 ⅐ min Ϫ1 induced a three-to fourfold increase in the plasma concentration and in the rate of appearance (R a) of glycerol and nonesterified fatty acids, the percentage of primary reesterification remaining unchanged. Infusion of glucagon also resulted in a progressive elevation of the plasma concentration of glucose and -hydroxybutyrate and in a twofold higher insulinemia. These changes were not significantly different between the two phases. The plasma concentrations of triacylglycerols and uric acid were unaffected by glucagon infusion, except for a 40% increase in plasma uric acid in phase II birds. Altogether, these results indicate that glucagon in a long-term fasting bird is highly lipolytic, hyperglycemic, ketogenic, and insulinogenic, these effects, however, being similar in phases II and III. The maintenance of the sensitivity of adipose tissue lipolysis to glucagon could suggest that the major role of the increase in basal glucagonemia observed in phase III is to stimulate gluconeogenesis rather than fatty acid delivery. lipolysis; ketone bodies; glucose; isotopic tracers; seabirds MAMMALS AND BIRDS adjust to long-term fasting by mobilizing their fat stores and sparing body proteins (8,14,21). However, the conservation of body protein that characterizes the so-called phase II of fasting is no longer maintained when a lower threshold of fat stores is reached. Then a metabolic shift occurs, and animals enter a new fasting state (phase III) corresponding to a simultaneous acceleration in the catabolism of protein and a decrease in the contribution of lipid to energy production (21, 46). This shift has been described in experimentally fasted laboratory mammals (21, 34) and in birds that spontaneously fast for prolonged periods at certain stages of their annual cycle, such as penguins (23, 37). Nevertheless, the way the metabolic shift is triggered and how the utilization of the metabolic fuels is regulated during phase II and phase III are poorly understood.Among the various hormones that could intervene to regulate fuel utilization, glucagon is likely to play a major role. Although the evidence for a lipolytic action in humans is scarce (10), glucagon stimulates lipolysis in vitro in mammals (38,52) and is the main lipolytic hormone in birds (9,22,36). It therefore plays a key role in the mobilization of fatty acids (FA) from adipose tissue. In mammals, glucagon also appears to influen...