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Aspectos oxidativos da síndrome metabólica e aterosclerose
ABStRActAims: To review the literature on the current aspects of oxidative stress and its role in metabolic syndrome and in atherosclerosis.
Methods:The study was performed in April and May 2015 and the following databases were used: PubMed, SciELO, and LILACS, including articles published from 2011 onwards. The following keywords were used: oxidative stress and atherosclerosis or oxidative stress and metabolic syndrome. Meta-analyses and clinical trials with a large sample size were preferred. Results: A total of 3,934 articles were available in the databases (PubMed 3,292; SciELO 588; and LILACS 54). Fifty-three articles were included in the review after eliminating double references and using the inclusion criteria. Conclusions: Biochemical and anthropometric findings characteristic of the metabolic syndrome are related to inflammatory processes and to oxidative stress which, in turn, are closely related to atherosclerosis. A better understanding of how the conditions that underlie metabolic syndrome predispose to oxidative stress may significantly contribute to the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease in the future.KEY WORDS: metabolic syndrome x; oxidative stress; atherosclerosis.