Abstract. This paper studies problems related to visibility among points in the plane. A point x blocks two points v and w if x is in the interior of the line segment vw. A set of points P is k-blocked if each point in P is assigned one of k colours, such that distinct points v, w ∈ P are assigned the same colour if and only if some other point in P blocks v and w. The focus of this paper is the conjecture that each k-blocked set has bounded size (as a function of k). Results in the literature imply that every 2-blocked set has at most 3 points, and every 3-blocked set has at most 6 points. We prove that every 4-blocked set has at most 12 points, and that this bound is tight. In fact, we characterise all sets {n1, n2, n3, n4} such that some 4-blocked set has exactly ni points in the i-th colour class. Amongst other results, for infinitely many values of k, we construct k-blocked sets with k 1.79... points.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 52C10 Erdős problems and related topics of discrete geometry, 05D10 Ramsey theory. This is the full version of an extended abstract to appear in the 26th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG '10).