Summary: The aim of the study was to examine the effects of vasopressin on the cardiovascular system of horses under isoflurane anaesthesia. For this purpose ten horses of various breeds were taken which had to be euthanized under general anaesthesia. Decision for euthanasia was made either during surgery or during radiographic examination due to diagnosis of a fatal condition. The horses consisted of 7 geldings, 2 mares, and 1 male foal, aged 14±8,5 (mean±SD) years and weighing 499,5±105,1 (mean±SD) kg. Before euthanasia was performed during general anaesthesia, vasopressin was administered. Five horses obtained an intravenous injection of 0,2IU vasopressin/kg and five horses were given an infusion of 0,08IU vasopressin/kg minute over a 10 minute period. Mean arterial blood pressure, heart rate, colour of mucous membranes, capillary refill time, ocular reflexes, ECG, and respiratory frequency and volume were determined. Furthermore, arterial blood gas analysis, capnography and pulse oximetry were performed. Additionally, cardiac ultrasound and heart auscultation were conducted in four horses. The results were that the blood pressure increased within 30-60 seconds of vasopressin administration and that all horses developed a high degree of ischemia of the mucous membranes during the 30-60 seconds after either vasopressin injection or vasopressin infusion. Eight horses died due to cardiac failure. Cardiac arrest occurred in four horses within 5 minutes of vasopressin injection as well as in four horses during the 10 minutes of vasopressin infusion. In four horses an ultrasound examination during vasopressin administration revealed acute cardio dilation causing cardiac arrest. It can be concluded that Vasopressin is fatal for horses under general anaesthesia. The use of vasopressin must be avoided in horses. Vasopressin must not be used as an alternative drug for adrenaline in horses.Keywords: Vasopressin / horse / isoflurane anaesthesia / cardiac dilation / cardiac arrest / lethal / anesthesiology Citation: Wollanke B., Reimold R., Gerhards H. (2015) Vasopressin is life threatening for horses under isoflurane anaesthesia. Pferdeheilkunde 31, 341-345