Anti-HBc testing is mandatory in France since 1988 and contributes to prevent occult HBV infection. Reference 1 Assal A, Barlet V, Deschaseaux M, Dupont I, Gallian P, Guitton C, Morel P, David B, De Micco P: Comparison of the analytical and operational performance of two viral nucleic acid test blood screening systems: Procleix Tigris and cobas s 201.
Question 1Investigating archive samples for HBV DNA reactive/ HBsAg non-reactive duration, we found that only about 15% of the samples investigated had a duration of less than 60 days. Meaning that in only 15% of the samples with the HBV DNA +/HBsAgresult pattern, window period could not be excluded. Therefore, majority of our NAT yield cases are OBI cases as defined by the