AIM: Intracranial aneurysm rupture is followed by high mortality and morbidity. In order to understand the aneurysm's natural course, it is necessary to recognize the predisposing factors for the rupture.
ResULTs:The ratio between the width of the aneurysm neck and diameter of the carrying blood vessel -artery in ruptured aneurysms (OR) was 1.58±0.61, and in unruptured aneurysms 1.14±0.52 (p<0.01). Aspect ratio of ruptured aneurysm was 1.89 ± 0.59, and in unruptured 1:33 ± 0.17. The angle of inclination of ruptured aneurysms was 139.22 ± 21.53, while in unruptured aneurysms it was 101.73 ± 21.26.
CoNCLUsIoN:Based on the results of our research, a predictive model of morphometric characteristics of the vessel bearing the aneurysm to rupture can be identified: an irregular shape of the aneurysm, AR> 1.6, OR> 1.5 and inclination angle >135 deg. soNUÇ: Araştırmamızın sonuçları temelinde rüptüre olacak anevrizmayı taşıyan damarın morfometrik özelliklerinin prediktif bir modeli tanımlanabilir: Anevrizmada düzensiz şekil, aspekt oranı >1,6, OR >1,5 ve inklinasyon açısı >135 derece.