The Combination Therapy of Hypertension to Prevent Cardiovascular Events (COPE) trial demonstrated that the calcium-channel blocker benidipine-based combination therapies with an angiotensin-receptor blocker (ARB), a b-blocker, or a thiazide diuretic (thiazide) were similarly effective in preventing cardiovascular events and achieving the target blood pressure (BP; o140/ 90 mm Hg). We further evaluated the efficacy and safety of these combination therapies in older (X65 years) and younger (o65 years) hypertensive patients. In this sub-analysis of the COPE trial 3293 patients (1533X65 years old and 1760 o65 years old) were randomly assigned to receive benidipine-based therapy with an ARB, a b-blocker or a thiazide. In each group, the average BP did not differ among the three treatment groups. The incidence of the primary cardiovascular composite end point in the older group was higher than in the younger group (12.7 vs. 8.3 per 1000 person-years, P¼0.023). The primary composite cardiovascular end point, achievement (%) of target BP, and cardiovascular hard composite end points were similar among the three treatment groups. However, the hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals in older patients were 2.74 (1.08-6.96; b-blocker vs. thiazide, P¼0.022) for fatal and non-fatal stroke, and 2.47 (1.03-5.91; b-blocker vs. ARB, P¼0.043) for newonset diabetes. Thus, benidipine combined with an ARB, a b-blocker, or a thiazide was similarly effective in preventing cardiovascular events and achieving the target BP in both older and younger hypertensive patients. Further studies will be necessary to evaluate the usefulness of benidipine combined with a b-blocker in terms of the incidence of stroke and new-onset diabetes in older patients.