Heat flux distribution of supercritical kerosene fueled, single-side expanded supersonic combustor with two dislocated cavities was experimentally studied. The effects of inlet Mach number, total temperature, mass flow rate and fuel equivalence ratio on the combustion and heat transfer characteristics in the supersonic combustor were analyzed. The isolator inlet Mach number is 2.0 and 2.5, the total temperature is 1305 K to 1701 K and the mass flow rate is 2.0 kg/s to 3.0 kg/s. Pilot hydrogen and liquid or supercritical (773±20 K) China No.3 kerosene were injected in front of the cavities with the equivalence ratio ranges from 0.52 to 0.88. Results show that heat flux increases with the inlet temperature and mass flow rate, however, the influence of equivalence ratio is non-monotonic in the range of this study. The two inlet Mach numbers also trigger different combustion modes, which further complicates the heat flux distribution. In the end, a three parameter correlation is proposed and fitted to normalize the experiment results for comparison and discussion.
Nomenclaturė = Heat flux qm = Mass flow ϕ = Equivalence ratio K1, K2 = Sensitivity of heat flux and temperature difference of the heat flux sensor St = Stanton number Re = Reynolds number Pr = Prandtl number Ma = Isolator inlet Mach number E = Output signal of heat flux sensor Tb = Body temperature of heat flux sensor 1 Engineer, Th = Temperature at the head of the heat flux sensor D = Diameter of the heat flux sensor P = Heating power for calibration δ = Thickness of the cooling inner wall cp = Specific heat at constant pressure x = Axial distance from inlet Subscript 0 = Stagnation condition Superscript * = Reference state of Eckert's Reference Enthalpy Method