This paper analyzes the career paths followed by non-executive directors in a large sample of 40,585 unique directors associated with 5,246 unique US listed firms between 1999 and 2011. We document four types of characteristics that significantly influence the probability that a director will be successful in obtaining a second concurrent directorship. These include personal characteristics (belonging to large social networks, holding an MBA degree, having experience as a top executive in a large firm), macro-economic indicators (obtaining the first directorship in a recession, or after the passing of the Sarbanes-Oxley act of 2002), firm characteristics and firm performance (holding a directorship in large firms, firms with better valuations, or firms with higher return volatility) and firm reputation (announcing accounting restatements or being hit by class-action suits). Our paper documents characteristics of successful non-executive directors and sheds light on the determinants of their career paths.