________________________________________________________________________________________ SIMSEK, A., T. YAMAN, H. ICEN, A. KOCHAN: Diaphragmatic hernia in a sheep -a case report. Vet. arhiv 88, 271-277, 2018. ABSTRACT A two-year-old sheep was referred to the clinics of the Department of Internal Medicine of Dicle University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, with signs of anorexia, abdominal tympany and constipation.The clinical examination of the animal revealed the presence of respiratory failure associated with weaker lung sounds on the right side of the body when compared to the left side. There were no ruminal movements, and when the rumen was probed with a stomach tube, no ruminal content was obtained. The animal was euthanized upon the request of the owner, and a necropsy was performed. At necropsy, it was observed that the left hepatic lobe had protruded into the thoracic cavity through a defect in the diaphragm, and that a diaphragmatic hernia had developed.