A total of 164 small mammals were caught with a trapping effort of 11,002 trap-nights. The caloric value of a small mammal averaged 1.76 kcal/g; Peromyscus maniculatus (Wagner, 1845) yielded the highest value and Clethrionomys gapperi (Vigors, 1830) the lowest. The caloric value of dry weight varied from 5.27 kcal/g for Sorex cinereus (Kerr, 1792) to 5.86 kcal/g for P. maniculatus.I found monthly variations in ash contents of small mammals and correspondingly, monthly variations in the caloric values of ash-free weight. This value fluctuated from 6.54 kcal/g for S. cinereus to 7.50 kcal/g for P. maniculatus.Such high values are compared with those found in the literature.