Introdution: The occlusal surface of the molars are more susceptible to dental caries because of their anatomy, so in some cases, the sealants are indicated. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy, retention, presence of caries and marginal discoloration of resinous sealants (Fluoroshield and Prevent) in first permanent molars. Methods: Ninety - one children aged 7 to 9 years were selected from a municipal institution Regente Feijó, SP, Brazil, for the application of resinous sealants to first permanent lower first molars. The application of Fluoroshield and Prevent resin sealants was performed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The evaluation was performed after 6 and 12 months by double-blind examiners and followed the criteria: alpha (total sealant, absence of caries and absence of pigmentation) charlie (partial sealing, superficial caries and light pigmentation) charlie complete sealing, presence of cavitation and pigmentation) after 12 months of application by two previously calibrated examiners. Results: Using Fischer's exact test, no significant difference (p 0.05) was observed between the resin-based sealant groups. In the evaluated criteria, both sealants after three years were similar, and may therefore be suitable materials for sealing grooves and fissures in permanent molars.Descriptors: Pit and Fissure Sealants; Dental Caries; Dentition, Permanent; Oral Health.ReferencesPalma-Dibb RG, Chinelatti MA, Souza-Zaroni WC. Diagnóstico de lesões de cárie. In: Assed S. Odontopediatria: bases científicas para a prática clínica. São Paulo: Artes Médicas; 2005.Sheiham A, James WP. 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