We continue to develop Bootstrability — a method merging Integrability and Conformal Bootstrap to extract CFT data in integrable conformal gauge theories such as $$ \mathcal{N} $$
= 4 SYM. In this paper, we consider the 1D defect CFT defined on a $$ \frac{1}{2} $$
-BPS Wilson line in the theory, whose non-perturbative spectrum is governed by the Quantum Spectral Curve (QSC). In addition, we use that the deformed setup of a cusped Wilson line is also controlled by the QSC. In terms of the defect CFT, this translates into two nontrivial relations connecting integrated 4-point correlators to cusp spectral data, such as the Bremsstrahlung and Curvature functions — known analytically from the QSC. Combining these new constraints and the spectrum of the 10 lowest-lying states with the Numerical Conformal Bootstrap, we obtain very sharp rigorous numerical bounds for the structure constant of the first non-protected state, giving this observable with seven digits precision for the ’t Hooft coupling in the intermediate coupling region $$ \frac{\sqrt{\lambda }}{4\pi}\sim 1 $$
, with the error decreasing quickly at large ’t Hooft coupling. Furthermore, for the same structure constant we obtain a 4-loop analytic result at weak coupling. We also present results for excited states.