An iodine-mediated ring closing alkene iodoamination with N-debenzylation protocol provides a direct route for the asymmetric synthesis of polyhydroxylated pyrrolidines from homochiral b-amino acid derivatives.The stereoselective syntheses of pyrrolidines and piperidines are of widespread academic and pharmaceutical interest, both as natural product targets and for potential applications in asymmetric synthesis. Within this expanding field, the synthesis of polyhydroxylated derivatives of these nitrogen heterocycles is of particular interest, as these sugar mimics exhibit a diverse range of biological activities, including potential as anti-HIV candidates 1 and as glycosidase inhibitors. 2 As a result, a range of methodologies for their synthesis has been developed, including manipulation of carbohydrates 3 and the application of asymmetric synthesis. 4 Previous work from this laboratory has shown that the conjugate addition of homochiral lithium amides derived from a-methylbenzylamine to a,b-unsaturated esters provides a general methodology for the asymmetric synthesis of b-amino acids. 5 As an extension of this versatile methodology we report herein a stereoselective iodine-mediated ring closing alkene iodoamination with concomitant N-debenzylation for the asymmetric synthesis of polyhydroxylated pyrrolidine bamino acid derivatives. 6 Conjugate addition of homochiral lithium (R)-N-benzyl-N-a-methylbenzylamide to the a,b-unsaturated acceptor (4S,5R)-1 7 gave b-amino ester (3S,4S,5R)-2 in 88% de, and after purification in 70% isolated yield with >98% de. 8 Treatment of b-amino ester (3S,4S,5R)-2 with iodine in MeCN in the presence of NaHCO 3 gave a chromatographically separable 81:19 mixture of N-benzyl pyrrolidines 4:5 in 63% and 17% isolated yield respectively and as single diastereoisomers in each case, in which ring closure to the pyrrolidine and chemoselective N-deprotection had been effected in a single reaction step. Furthermore, N-a-methylbenzylacetamide (6) was also isolated, whose specific rotation {[a] D 25 -3.8 (c 0.7, CHCl 3 ); lit., 9 [a] D 25 +129.5 (c 1.0, CHCl 3 )} indicated that essentially complete racemisation of the N-a-methylbenzyl stereocentre had occurred during the Ritter reaction. This N-deprotection protocol shows remarkable chemoselectivity, with the selective removal of the N-a-methylbenzyl group in the presence of the N-benzyl group being in direct contrast to the previously reported chemoselective N-debenzylations under oxidative 10 or hydrogenative 11 conditions that have been developed upon similar systems from within this laboratory. The isolation of racemic N-a-methylbenzylacetamide (6) and pyrrolidines 4 and 5 from this reaction manifold is consistent with the mechanism of this transformation involving iodonium ion formation and intramolecular trapping by the tethered tertiary amine to give quaternary ammonium species 3. Preferential S N 1 loss of the N-a-methylbenzyl protecting group from 3 accounts for the remarkable chemoselectivity observed in this reaction, with trapping o...