We suggest an experiment to investigate interference effects between two spatially separated Bose-Einstein condensates. In the presence of coherence, the dynamic structure factor, measurable through inelastic photon scattering, is predicted to exhibit, at high momentum transfer q, interference fringes with frequency period Dn q͞md, where d is the distance between the condensates. We show that this coherent configuration corresponds to an eigenstate of the physical observable measured in the experiment and that the relative phase of the condensates can be, hence, created through the measurement process. PACS numbers: 05.30.Jp, Dilute Bose-Einstein condensed gases behave as classical matter waves. This remarkable feature has been directly confirmed by several recent experiments [1][2][3][4]. In particular, very clean interference patterns generated by two overlapping condensates have been observed through absorption imaging techniques [1]. Interference phenomena produced by matter waves are key features underlying the quantum mechanical behavior of matter, so it is of considerable interest to understand the new role played by Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC).Bose-Einstein condensed gases can be regarded as classical objects because, according to Bogoliubov prescription, the corresponding field operator can be replaced by a classical field, resembling the classical limit of quantum electrodynamics. Differently from the case of the electromagnetic field which is governed by the Maxwell equations, the field associated with a Bose-Einstein condensate obeys equations of quantum nature which reduce, for dilute and cold gases, to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation [5]:where V ext is the external potential confining the gas, and g 4ph 2 a͞m is the interaction coupling constant, fixed by the s-wave scattering length a. The field C has the meaning of an order parameter and is often called the "wave function of the condensate." As a consequence of the quantum nature of Eq. (1), key features of the field C, as, for example, interference patterns, depend explicitly on the value of the Planck constant. The fact that two overlapping condensates behave as coherent matter waves giving rise to interference is not, however, obvious. In a similar context Anderson [6] raised the intriguing question: "Do two superfluids which have never seen one another possess a definitive phase?" This question has been the object of theoretical speculations [7] and has been more recently reconsidered [8][9][10][11][12] after the experimental realization of BEC in trapped atomic gases. The point of view shared by most authors is that the relative phase between two condensates is "created" during the measurement. In other words, even if the initial configuration is not coherent and the relative phase between the condensates is not fixed, one can still observe interference in a single realization of the experiment, as explicitly proven in [1]. However, measuring fringe patterns in the density profiles requires overlapping of the condensates in coordinate spac...