We present an extensive study of the static and dynamic properties of systems of spin-polarized tritium atoms. In particular, we calculate the two-body |F, mF = |0, 0 s-wave scattering length and show that it can be manipulated via a Feshbach resonance at a field strength of about 870 G. Such a resonance might be exploited to make and control a BoseEinstein condensate of tritium in the |0, 0 state. It is further shown that the quartet tritium trimer is the only bound hydrogen isotope and that its single vibrational bound state is a Borromean state. The ground state properties of larger spinpolarized tritium clusters are also presented and compared with those of helium clusters. 05.30.Jp,34.50, In 1976 [1], Stwalley and Nosanow suggested, based on statistical arguments, that the system of spin-polarized bosonic tritium atoms behaves "very much like 4 He". To the best of our knowledge, their arguments have not yet been tested by a microscopic quantum mechanical treatment. A detailed theoretical study of spin-polarized tritium systems, namely spin-polarized atomic tritium clusters and optically-pumped tritium condensates, is the objective of the present work. In this Letter, we present results for both structural and scattering properties of tritium dimers, trimers, and clusters.Pioneering experimental studies of the lowest quartet state of spin-polarized atomic trimers have been pursued recently for sodium and potassium [2]. Study of these trimers, which were prepared on the surface of large 4 He clusters, revealed that three-body effects are surprisingly important [3]. We are not aware, though, of any experimental or theoretical studies of larger spin-polarized atomic cluster systems. Bosonic helium systems -i.e. liquid bulk 4 He, two-dimensional 4 He films, and finite size 4 He N clusters [4] -have, of course, been studied extensively. This Letter thus presents the first predictions for spin-polarized atomic clusters. In particular, we characterize spin-polarized tritium clusters [in the following denoted by (T↑) N ] with up to N = 40 tritium atoms, and compare their energetic and structural properties with those of bosonic 4 He N clusters. We hope that this study will stimulate further experimental work. Of particular interest is the lowest quartet state of the tritium trimer, which we predict to be a Borromean or halo state, and tritium cluster formation in the presence of an external magnetic field.We also point out the possibility for creating an optically-pumped gaseous tritium condensate. BoseEinstein condensates (BECs) are, to first order, well characterized by the two-body s-wave scattering length between two atoms. It will be shown below that the triplet two-body s-wave scattering length a t of two tritium atoms is large and negative, implying an unstable condensate of spin-polarized tritium atoms. We find, though, that there is an unusually broad Feshbach resonance [5] for two high-field-seeking, |F, m F = |0, 0 tritium atoms (F denotes the total angular momentum, and m F the magnetic quantum number of...