“…They used the age-depth model provided by DSDP Leg 35 Site 324 (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1976) for the upper 200 m of the sedimentary column comprising Pliocene/Pleistocene units and correlated this with observations on general changes in reflections characteristics. Variations in reflection characteristics for the deeper lying sequences were interpreted to represent modifications in the depositional regime and compared to observations from the Bellingshausen Sea (; Tucholke and Houtz, 1976;Tucholke et al, 1976b;Rebesco et al, 1996;Nitsche et al, 1997;Nitsche et al, 2000;Rebesco et al, 2002;Scheuer et al, 2006a;Scheuer et al, 2006b), which were tied to DSDP Leg 35 and ODP Leg 178 results, and the Ross Sea (De Santis et al, 1995;De Santis et al, 1999;Böhm et al, 2009), there correlated with results from DSDP Leg 28, to derive an age model. We make use of this stratigraphic model being aware of its poor chronological control but modify the names of the sedimentary units to distinguish them from the Ross Sea and Amundsen Sea shelf by adding the acronym ASR (Amundsen Sea rise).…”