Let k be an infinite field. Fix a Jordan nilpotent n × n matrix B = J P with entries in k and associated Jordan type P . Let Q(P ) be the Jordan type of a generic nilpotent matrix commuting with B. In this paper, we use the combinatorics of a poset associated to the partition P , to give an explicit formula for the smallest part of Q(P ), which is independent of the characteristic of k. This, in particular, leads to a complete description of Q(P ) when it has at most three parts.Let k be an infinite field and Mat n (k) be the set of all n × n matrices with entries in k.Suppose that B = J P ∈ {Mat n (k)} is a Jordan matrix with associated Jordan type -Jordan block partition-P n. Recall that the centralizer and the nilpotent centralizer of MSC 2010: 05E40, 06A11, 14L30, 15A21