Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a white matter disease associated with neurocognitive diffi culties. More recently the potential for white matter pathology to also disrupt important aspects of emotion understanding has been recognized. However, no study to date has assessed whether capacity for facial affect recognition and theory of mind (ToM) is disrupted in MS, or whether any observed defi cits are related to more general cognitive impairment. In the present study MS participants ( n = 27) and nonclinical controls ( n = 30) were administered measures of facial affect recognition, ToM, and cognitive functioning. MS participants were signifi cantly impaired on the ToM task, and also presented with specifi c defi cits decoding facial emotions of anger and fear. Performance on the measures of facial affect recognition and ToM were related to general cognitive functioning, and in particular, measures sensitive to executive dysfunction and information processing speed. These data highlight the need for future research to more fully delineate the extent and implications of emotion understanding diffi culties in this population. ( JINS , 2009, 15 , 277-285 .)