Linnea Bodén is a Ph.D. student of Educational practice at the Department of Social and Welfare Studies, Linköping University. Her research focuses on school absenteeism and truancy and draws on a feminist relational materialist and posthumanist perspective, with a special interest in technical tools for the registration and control of absence.
2Seeing red? The agency of computer software in the production and management of students' school absences An increasing number of Swedish municipalities use digital software to manage the registration of students' school absences. The software is regarded as a problem-solving tool to make registration more efficient, but its effects on the educational setting have been largely neglected. Focusing on an event with two students from a class of eleven-year olds, the aim of the paper is to explore schools' common uses of computer software for registering absence in order to understand how materialities -like the software -are entangled with the production of school absence. In the paper, the Deleuzio-Guattarian concept of the assemblage is put to work within a feminist relational materialist framework.This enables an understanding of the complexity of school absence, where materialities of the educational setting are theorized as entangled with social and gendered discursive components.