Not only to find out how to acquire new customers but also to maintain the existing customer is a homework for every company. It is a common thing for every company that start to grow prominent to measure the level of customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is believed to come along with brand image and service quality. The objective of this research is to find out whether brand image and service quality does influence customer loyalty or not. Brand Image has been defined as how the customer perception of a certain brand. Service quality is a comprehensive of customer evaluation of a certain service in the certain company. Meanwhile, customer loyalty is the tendency of the customers to buy and use the product again. The research is using quantitative approaches as the research design and using IBM SPSS-20 application where the sample size is 125 by using non-probability purposive sampling technique. The data analysis method of the research uses multiple linear regression to check on the hypothesis. The result of the final research paper finds out that brand image and service quality does have an influence in maintaining customer loyalty at Gojek customers in Medan.