Nonreciprocal optics has enjoyed a renaissance in recent years [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]. While the main driver has been the practical desire to make on-chip isolators and circulators for integrated photonics, a recent proposal by Tsakmakidis et al. [9] suggests that nonreciprocal optics can break a fundamental time-bandwidth limit to passive resonators. If true, the proposal promises an upheaval of fundamental physics, as well as new functionalities such as broadband slow light. Their models and simulations are based exclusively on classical electromagnetism, however, leaving open the question whether they may violate other fundamental laws of physics, especially quantum mechanics and thermodynamics.In this Letter, I quantize their resonator model using textbook quantum optics [10][11][12] and show that, unlike classical electromagnetism, quantum mechanics does impose a timebandwidth limit to passive resonators. To break the limit, the quantum theory requires extra noise to be added in the same fashion as amplified spontaneous emission in an active resonator. Going deeper into the details of their proposed implementation, I also find that it requires a one-way power-transfer mechanism that violates the second law of thermodynamics. These findings suggest that their proposal is unlikely to be physical, or can be accomplished by a conventional active resonator if the extra noise is acceptable.To set the stage, I first recall basic facts regarding passive linear optics and nonreciprocity in quantum optics. The quantum Hamiltonian for any multi-mode passive linear optics has the general formwhere {b j } is a set of annihilation operators for the optical modes, † denotes the Hermitian conjugate, and G is a modecoupling matrix [13]. Since H must be an Hermitian operator, G must an Hermitian matrix (G jk = G * kj ). If I identify the j = 0 mode as the resonator mode with b 0 = a and the rest as reservoir modes, the Hamiltonian becomesDenote the submatrix G jk for j = 0 and k = 0 by G ′ . It is also Hermitian, so it can be diagonalized as G ′ = V † DV, where V is unitary, D is diagonal and real, and † also denotes the conjugate transpose of a matrix. Defining the reservoir eigenmodes via c j = ∑ k =0 V jk b k leads to the Hamiltonian