Without Lorentz symmetry, generic fixed points of the renormalization group (RG) are labelled by their dynamical (or ‘Lifshitz’) exponent z. Hence, a rich variety of possible RG flows arises. The first example is already given by the standard non-relativistic limit, which can be viewed as the flow from a z = 1 UV fixed point to a z = 2 IR fixed point. In strongly coupled theories, there are good arguments suggesting that Lorentz invariance can emerge dynamically in the IR from a Lorentz violating UV. In this work, we perform a generic study of fixed points and the possible RG flows among them in a minimal bottom-up holographic model without Lorentz invariance, aiming to shed light on the possible options and the related phenomenology. We find: i) A minor generalization of previous models involving a massive vector field with allowed self-couplings leads to a much more efficient emergence of Lorentz invariance than in the previous attempts. Moreover, we find that generically the larger is the UV dynamical exponent zUV the faster is the recovery of Lorentz symmetry in the IR. ii) We construct explicitly a holographic model with a line of fixed points, realizing different Lifshitz scaling along the line. iii) We also confirm the monotonicity of a recently proposed a-function along all our Lorentz violating RG flows.