Infant mortality is an important indicator of nation's socio-economic welfare. There are many socio-economic, demographic and environmental determinants of infant mortality. As infant has an innate relationship with the mother, therefore the maternal health programmes have also very important repercussion on infant health. The above two dimensions of infant mortality have seldom been examined together in infants-based studies. Thus, the survival analysis for infants regarding its several determinants along with maternal health programmes and their impact is seen in the study. The paper applies Kaplan-Meier and Cox proportional hazard model using National Family Health Survey data 2005-06, in India, to demonstrate the risk of infant death with the above said factors. Poor households are more likely to experience infant deaths than rich and middle households. Maternal health programmes have a significant effect on infant mortality, but the inclusion of breastfeeding, mother education and wealth index make these results insignificant. This study indicates that there is a need to increase birth spacing, improve mother's education level, encourage breastfeeding and discourage teenage pregnancy in order to achieve the desired outcome of reducing infant mortality. Many interesting facets of the successful implementation of government and non-government policies on the improvement of infant survival are also discussed.