Increasing the grain yield of winter rye, which occupies the fourth place of grain produced in the Republic of Tatarstan, remains relevant. The purpose of the study is to identify the most productive hybrid of winter rye of the KVS company in the conditions of gray forest soils of the Ancestral region of the Republic of Tatarstan. Field experiments and laboratory studies were conducted in 2022-2023 at Agrobiotechnopark LLC at the Kazan State Agrarian University. Agrochemical indicators of gray forest soils were as follows: the content of humus in the arable layer was more than 3.0 %, mobile phosphorus was very high 250-275 mg/kg (according to Kirsanov), exchangeable potassium was increased 121-170 mg/kg. The reaction of the soil medium was close to neutral (pH 6.6). The dry mass of roots and stems in the phases of tube entry and earing over the years of research in the hybrid of winter rye Tayo exceeded the indicators of the Aviator and Ravo hybrids. On average, over two years, the dry weight of the ear of the Aviator hybrid in the phase of milk ripeness was 0.77 g, in Equal to 0.74 g, in Tayo 0.81 g. Compared with other hybrids, field germination and safety of seedlings for harvesting were higher in the Tayo hybrid by 80.9 % and 86.9 %. Increased indicators for the number of productive stems per unit area of 584 pcs./m2, the number of spikelets and grains in 1 ear for the Tayo hybrid subsequently contributed to obtaining the highest biological yield. In a favorable 2022, winter rye hybrids generated high yields, in particular Aviator 8.05 t/ha, Pravo 8.06 t/ha, Tayo 8.74 t/ha. In 2023, the lowest yield according to experiments was obtained for the Ravo hybrid – 5.44 t/ha, and for the Aviator hybrid - 6.62 t/ha. A consistently high yield was formed by the Tayo hybrid – 7.03 t/ha.