Students exposed to authentic materials in the foreign languageclassroom are better able to process foreign language input in real-lifesituations and have a more positive attitude towards learning theforeign culture. However, exposure to authentic materials can alsoresult in reactions of anxiety and frustration on the part of the foreignlanguage learner. By providing access to authentic content online, thepedagogical benefits of the use of authentic material can be maximized,while some of the drawbacks inherent in such use can be mitigated. Inthis article, we discuss how the use of online technologies offersopportunities to provide access to authentic material that is engaging,appropriate, and affordable. By using the multi-media capabilities of aCourse Management System (CMS) to deliver authentic materialsonline, instructors of French, Italian, and Chinese were able to bothpositively impact student attitudes toward the subject matter and todesign learning and evaluation activities that increased studentengagement. We find that using technology to deliver authentic materials can help alleviate student anxiety associated with being exposed to authentic foreign language. Furthermore, students becomeactive participants in the learning process and are able to employ theirown learning style. We conclude by discussing the limitations andimplications of our findings and making suggestions for futureresearch.