As the dimensions and operating voltages of computer electronics shrink to cope with consumers' demand for higher performance and lower power consumption, circuit sensitivity to soft errors increases dramatically. Recently, a new datatype is proposed in the literature called posit data type. Posit arithmetic has absolute advantages such as higher numerical accuracy, speed, and simpler hardware design than IEEE 754-2008 technical standard-compliant arithmetic. In this paper, we propose a comparative robustness study between 32-bit posit and 32-bit IEEE 754-2008 compliant representations. At first, we propose a theoretical analysis for IEEE 754 compliant numbers and posit numbers for single bit flip and double bit flips. Then, we conduct exhaustive fault injection experiments that show a considerable inherent resilience in posit format compared to classical IEEE 754 compliant representation. To show a relevant use-case of fault-tolerant applications, we perform experiments on a set of machine-learning applications. In more than 95% of the exhaustive fault injection exploration, posit representation is less impacted by faults than the IEEE 754 compliant floatingpoint representation. Moreover, in 100% of the tested machinelearning applications, the accuracy of posit-implemented systems is higher than the classical floating-point-based ones.