DOI: 10.1364/oe.27.001632
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Broadband on-chip polarization mode splitters in lithium niobate integrated adiabatic couplers

Abstract: We report, to the best of our knowledge, the first broadband polarization mode splitter (PMS) based on the adiabatic light passage mechanism in the lithium niobate (LiNbO 3 ) waveguide platform. A broad bandwidth of ~140 nm spanning telecom S, C, and L bands at polarization-extinction ratios (PER) of >20 dB and >18 dB for the TE and TM polarization modes, respectively, is found in a five-waveguide adiabatic coupler scheme whose structure is optimized by an adiabaticity engineering process in titanium-diffused … Show more

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Cited by 23 publications
(7 citation statements)
References 51 publications
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“…We see that the number of events measured in case (a) represents 85% of the total number of emitted pairs, demonstrating the high efficiency of the polarization splitting region design. This efficiency is limited by the variation of the splitting ratio across the biphoton bandwidth, which can be reduced by the use of adiabatic couplers such as the ones described in ref .…”
Section: On-chip Generation and Polarization Splitting Of Telecom Pho...mentioning
confidence: 99%
See 2 more Smart Citations
“…We see that the number of events measured in case (a) represents 85% of the total number of emitted pairs, demonstrating the high efficiency of the polarization splitting region design. This efficiency is limited by the variation of the splitting ratio across the biphoton bandwidth, which can be reduced by the use of adiabatic couplers such as the ones described in ref .…”
Section: On-chip Generation and Polarization Splitting Of Telecom Pho...mentioning
confidence: 99%
“…38 On the other hand, the design of the polarization splitting region could be refined by using adiabatic couplers which, in LN waveguides without an on-chip photon pair source, have been shown to exhibit a flat spectral profile with splitting ratios above 98% over a spectral range of more than 100 nm. 19 Another interesting approach could be the use of inverse design 39 to improve the figure-of-merit for the directional coupler, as done for example in ref 40. In any case, the device presented in this work can already be used as a source of broadband frequency anticorrelated photon pairs separated in two different spatial modes, directly employable for information processing protocols based on high-dimensional quantum states. 41,42 Using both input arms of the splitting region to generate orthogonally polarized photon pairs would also allow to obtain a source of polarization entangled photon pairs directly separated in two spatial modes, as reported in ppLN, 12 albeit with a narrow bandwidth (0.25 nm) in the latter work.…”
Section: ■ Conclusion and Outlookmentioning
confidence: 99%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…ADCs have been shown to be a promising PBS structure on SOI 17 because of a large birefringence of the waveguide on SOI. But there are fewer PBSs 18 , 19 on the lithium niobate on insulator (LNOI) compared with SOI because of a smaller waveguide birefringence, which leads to a worse performance for the same structure. Perhaps the reason is that the SOI platform has a stronger structure birefringence compared with the LNOI platform, and the material birefringence of lithium niobate (LN) can be managed to compensate for the structure birefringence 20 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…However, there are lack of PBS designs on LNOI, making it difficult to control the polarizations. Recently, the adiabatic coupler [8] and Mach-Zehnder interferometer [9] have been used to realized ultra-broadband PBSs on the LNOI platform. However, these PBSs have large footprints, limiting their applications in ultra-compact PICs.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%