Field and greenhouse experiments were conducted in 2004 and 2005 to study weed control and the response of winter wheat to tank mixtures of 2,4-D plus MCPA with clodinafop propargyl. The field experiments were conducted at Yazd and Oroumieh, Iran, with factorial combinations of 2,4-D plus MCPA at 0, 975, and 1300 g ai ha -1 and with clodinafop propargyl at 0, 64, 80, 96, and 112 g ai ha -1 in four replications. The greenhouse experiments further evaluated the effect of these tank mixtures on weed control, where each herbicide mixture was considered as one treatment and the experiment was established in a randomized complete block design with four replications. In the field experiments, the herbicides were applied at wheat tillering, while in the greenhouse experiments they were applied at the beginning of the tillering stage and at the four-leaf stage of the grass and broadleaf weeds, respectively.The results indicated antagonistic effects between 2,4-D plus MCPA and clodinafop propargyl. The best tank mixture with regard to weed control efficacy was 2,4-D plus MCPA at 975 g ai ha -1 with clodinafop propargyl at 96 g ai ha -1 . The wheat grain yield was also increased by the tank mixture of clodinafop propargyl with 2,4-D plus MCPA. Generally, to inhibit clodinafop propargyl efficacy reduction due to tank-mixing with 2,4-D plus MCPA, it is recommended that the application dose of 64 g ai ha -1 should be increased to 96 g ai ha -1 .