“…41. The translational motion of the particle's center of mass position r cm ( t ) 36 in the directions parallel and perpendicular to the capsule's major axis can be determined as![]()
where r cm = ( r cm‖ , r cmp ), n T = ( n ‖ , n p ) is a random three-dimensional vector with components uniformly distributed between interval [−1, 1], 38,43,44 δ t = 1.0 ps is the time step, and the position of each bead r i , i = 1,…, N is then updated in the membrane reference frame. In eqn (4a) and (4b), the second term is due to the net external forces F i = ( F i ‖ , F i ⊥ ) computed at the previous time step t − δ t and applied to each bead.…”