“…Strains are not family-or even order-specific; as an example, ST 27 has been isolated in California sea lions (Whatmore et al 2017), and ST 23 and ST 26 have been detected in both cetacean sub-orders Mysticeti and Odontoceti (Davison et al 2017(Davison et al , 2021. Strains within the ST 27 cluster have been identified in multiple bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus stranded along the east and west coast of the USA, in a single bottlenose dolphin in the northern Adriatic sea, in Hector's dolphins Cephalorhynchus hectori on the coast of New Zealand, and most recently in an aborted captive bottlenose dolphin on the east coast of Australia and a stranded dwarf sperm whale cow/aborted calf along the central Pacific coast (Whatmore et al 2008, Wu et al 2014, Cvetnić et al 2016, Buckle et al 2017, Mackie et al 2020, Hernández-Mora et al 2021. ST 26 has been identified in dolphins and whales from the Mediterranean, North American, Central Pacific, and Scottish coasts (Ma quart et al 2009, Alba et al 2013, Davison et al 2021, Hernández-Mora et al 2021.…”