DNV-OS-F101 includes the concept development
서 론Det Norske Veritas (DNV) published the offshore pipeline design rules (DNV, 1976;DNV, 1981). These design rules were based on the working stress design and have been used over two decades. In the year 2000, DNV published first offshore standard (OS) DNV-OS-F101 for the design of the offshore pipeline systems with limit states or load and resistance factor design (LRFD). This offshore standard has been continuously updated based on various joint industry projects and many offshore installations (DNV, 2000(DNV, , 2005(DNV, , 2007(DNV, , 2010.This new design code covers the all aspects of offshore pipeline system including concept development, design, construction, operation and abandonment at the end of production life. The main objective of this offshore standard is to ensure that pipeline systems are safe during the design life. Pipeline design philosophy also includes the public safety and environmental protection. Mechanical wall thickness design of a pipeline shall be followed by the design objectives and safety philosophy. This new design code includes a very sophisticated design procedure to ensure pipeline safety, public safety and environmental protection. Design and application to real projects were conducted by recent studies (Brown et al., 2004;Choi, 2006;Choi and Do, 2006;Choi et al., 2008;Choi et al., 2010).This paper is presented to summarize the recent design code and to establish a wall thickness design matrix. The main objective of this paper is to assess a parametric study of the offshore pipeline design. A design matrix was developed to include many design factors of pipeline integrity, public safety, and environmental protection with a consistent design methodology. Parametric sensitivity analyses were carried out to identify the impacts on the offshore pipeline wall thickness design. Various results of the parametric study are presented.
Safety, Concept Development and Design PremiseAn overall safety philosophy is applied in the concept development, design, construction, operation and abandonment of pipelines. DNV-OS-F101 defines two integrity stages: establishment of integrity in the concept development, design and construction phases; and maintaining integrity in the operating phases. The integrity of the offshore pipeline system is ensured through safety philosophy integrating with each of the different parts such as safety objective, systematic review, safety class methodology and quality assurance.An overall safety objective shall be established, planned and implemented, covering all phases from a conceptual development to abandonment. Systematic review of risks shall be carried out at all phases to identify and evaluate threats, consequences of a single failure and series of failures in the pipeline system. A methodology for a systematic review is quantitative risk analysis (QRA). There are two 1