Component simulation models, such as agent-based models, may depend on spatial data associated with geographic locations. Composition of such models can be achieved using a Geographic Knowledge Interchange Broker (GeoKIB) enabled with spatialtemporal data transformation functions, each of which is responsible for a set of interactions between two independent models. The use of autonomous interaction models allows model composition without alteration of the composed component models. An interaction model must handle differences in the spatial resolutions between models, in addition to differences in their temporal input/output data types and resolutions.A generalized GeoKIB was designed that regulates unidirectional spatially-based interactions between composed models. Different input and output data types are used for the interaction model, depending on whether data transfer should be passive or active. Synchronization of time-tagged input/output values is made possible with the use of dependency on a discrete simulation clock. An algorithm supporting spatial conversion is developed to transform any two-dimensional geographic data map between different region specifications. Maps belonging to the composed models can have different regions, map cell sizes, or boundaries. The GeoKIB can be extended based on the model specifications to be composed and the target application domain. Two separate, simplistic models were created to demonstrate model composition via the GeoKIB. An interaction model was created for each of the two directions the composed models interact. This exemplar is developed to demonstrate composition and simulation of geographic-based component models. The Medland team of the School of Human Evolution and Social Change at Arizona State University supplied an immeasurable amount of insight and knowledge into geographic historical simulations. In particular, I owe thanks to Dr. Michael Barton for showing me many details of using the GRASS software, Dr. Isaac Ulluh and Dr. Sean Bergin for helping me assemble and run multiple-software simulations, and Dr. Miguel Acevedo for working with me to integrate his vegetation simulation into other software simulations. I owe thanks to my academic advisors, Christina Sebring and Arzuhan Kavak, for guiding me throughout the registration and course scheduling processes. My colleagues in the Arizona Center for Integrative Modeling and Simulation supplied ample knowledge and friendship during my experience as a university graduate student.