“…Continuously, Shulman (1986) and Shulman (1987) systematically list four teacher individual ability competences and these are (1) the teaching situation analytical competency for editing useful teaching materials, (2) the specifi c lecturing approach competency for leading students to break through their myths, (3) the technological utilization competence for adopting digital education technology and (4) the social relationship competence for connecting cordial relations between teachers and students. Specifi cally, Glatthorn et al (2006) distinctively categorized four analytical aspects and these are (1) Individual Demand Competency ("IDC"): IDC covers two individual characters of Self-transcendence ("St") and Emotioncontrol ("Ec") in the teaching processes (Lambert et al, 1996), Professional Knowledge Competency ("PKC"): PKC includes three coaching abilities of Subject Knowledge Lecturing ("SKL"), Problem-solving Techniques ("PsT") and Classroom Management Skills ("CMS") (Liberman, 1956) in the teaching methods, Resource Satisfaction Competency ("RSC"): RSC comprehends two supporting resource of Teaching Resource Distribution ("TRD") and School's Administrative Satisfaction ("SAS") in teaching actions for educational institutes (Lo, 2016) as well as Cooperative Relationship Competency ("CRC"): CRC comprises of two relationship development of Social Developing Techniques ("SDT") and Interfl ow Communication Abilities ("ICA") in education behaviours (Lunn, & Bishop, 2002;Gliniecka, 2016). Moreover, there are 9 assessed criteria to be integrated as illustrated in Figure 1.…”