Vietnam allows the province and city authority some flexibility in interpreting the central policies and regulations that could benefit BR operation and management locally, the way this is interpreted varies with the commitment and engagement of the provincial leaders. Lack of true understanding ii of the BR approach coupled with unclear guidance on BR planning and management led to most of the management effort being paid to the conservation of the core PAs.Specific study of the Kien Giang Biosphere Reserve (KGBR) showed a similar operational "disconnect" between concept and practice as in most other BRs in Vietnam. Whilst major attention has been paid to compliance with the UNESCO Man the Biosphere rules, little effort and investment has been made in the practical implementation of the concepts they embody. Lack of public awareness and understanding, state-control based on a strong sectoral approach to BR planning and management hindered broader stakeholder participation. Weak engagement from provincial leader in BR governance limited cross-sectoral collaboration process for effective delivery BR mandate functions that differentiates BRs from the conventional conservation PA approach. The study found that external projects only have a temporary impact on operation of the KGBR because they often start with small, time-bound demonstration models which negatively condition the community attitude to the projects and by association the BR.Using Enhancing our Heritage Toolkit (EoH) developed by IUCN and UNESCO for evaluation of management effectiveness, the study found that while the KGBR has been operating for a decade, the management planning process has not been completed. While a management system was established in KGBR it has proved inadequate to the task in operation because of structural deficiencies in the BR Management Board, lack of trained staff with BR knowledge and no allocation of operational funding specifically for BR activities. There appears a difficulty to achieve desired outcomes. Due to the absence of an approved operational plan with a monitoring and evaluation system has meant that assessment of management effectiveness of the KGBR against the key performance indicators has not been possible.To improve performance and effectiveness of the BR model in Vietnam, BRs should have nationally legal recognition that provides legitimacy for setting up clear BR governance structure and cross sectoral collaboration, and increase funding opportunity from central government for BR delivery. Additionally, BR sustainability and effectiveness greatly depends on the implementation of appropriate, locally-based management solutions that need a strong stakeholder's awareness, and engagement for a stable and strong governance leadership based on a strategic participation and public-private stakeholder partnerships in planning, operating resource allocation and implementation.iii
DECLARATION BY AUTHORThis thesis is composed of my original work, and contains no material previously published or written by another p...