With one of the most interesting developments in the Information Age is the emergence of the Internet technology in education where the teaching and learning process play a major role. The education world is experiencing a change not just in terms of curriculum but also in terms of approaches to teaching and learning strategies. These changes in learning strategies from traditional to dynamic strategies based on the use of information technology create a learner centered learning environment. The most important role of an instructor in an online environment is a high degree of interactivity and participation. This means designing and conducting learning activities that result in engagement with the subject matter and with fellow learners using proper pedagogical approaches are very important.The development of e-Learning in the sciences in general and in mathematics in particular has not met the general expectations. The instructional design of the teaching of mathematics incorporates the elements on Mathematical Approaches, Hierarchy of Teaching,
Interactive Multimedia, Systematically Designed and Developed Teaching and Learning Modules and Sub Modules, and Holistic Development of Students OO (Object-Oriented) analysis and design techniques were developed to help in the modeling of business, the analysis of requirements and the design software. With the rapid growth of OO technology, a number of techniques in OO have been developed and integrated. UML was designed to bring together the best feature of a number of analysis and design techniques and notations to produce an industry standard.The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is an effective and popular notation which is used to capture high-level designs for software systems. However, one aspect of soft are system design which is not typically captured in a UML document is a record of the likely (or desired) rate of performance of the major activities of the system. When this information is not included in the initial UML description of a system it increases the likelihood that the performance of the software system being developed will not b e considered until very late in the software development process.