Notwithstanding the emerging prominence of customer lifetime value (CLV) and customer equity (CE) in the marketing literature during the past decade, virtually nothing has been done to address these concepts in the literature on simulation and gaming. This article addresses the failing, discussing the nature of CLV and CE and demonstrating how they might be incorporated into marketing simulations.Keywords customer equity, customer lifetime value, marketing budget, marketing simulations, promotional budget, total enterprise simulations In 1983, Ted Levitt suggested that marketers must shift their focus from creating simple, one-time transactions to creating long-term customer relationships, built on a foundation of customer satisfaction. The relationship pays out in the form of an everbroadening array of products and services that might be sold to loyal customers. Assuming that it is easier to retain and service old customers than it is to win new ones, a company's customer base represents a type of asset-customer equity (CE), the value of which is captured in the discounted net present value of expected sales extending over the lifetime of the customer.