This study assessed the contribution of the Tanzania Library Association in Enhancing the Librarianship Profession: Views from Under 40-Year-Olds librarians were gathered. The study adopted a quantitative approach with a case study design. Thirty-six respondents purposively selected from the Tanzania Librarian Forum and the Tanzania Library Association were involved in this study. Data were collected through a questionnaire created using a Google form. The questionnaire was shared with respondents and remained active for 2 weeks to allow them to fill it in. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for Service Solutions (SPSS) Version 23 computer programme. The study found that 47.2% of participants were very familiar with TLA, which suggests that a substantial portion of the participants strongly understand the Tanzania Library and Information Association (TLA) and its objectives. Regarding the perceived contribution of TLA in advancing professional development opportunities for librarians under 40, results demonstrated that a majority, comprising 24 respondents (66.7%), agreed that TLA indeed fosters such opportunities. Furthermore, 41.7% reported that TLA enhances networking platforms for librarians under 40. However, another 30.6% said that TLA was essential in addressing the ever-evolving needs and issues faced by librarians under 40. Professional associations are vital for the career development of their members, and TLA is not left behind. From the findings, the study recommends that TLA continues to foster development in its members by utilising different strategies like preparation and conducting continuous professional training courses for its members and the library profession at large, publicity among different institutions within and outside the country and forging links with other international information professional associations.