Abstract:A fast Ethernet 100BASE-TX FSO link performance is evaluated within a dedicated indoor atmospheric chamber performing BER of <10 -6 under thick fog controlled condition corresponding to an outdoor visibility range higher than 70 m.
IntroductionOver the last decade, a number of bandwidth hungry applications and services have appeared, e.g., HD streaming, mobile broadband and online gaming. To address this high bandwidth demand, ubiquitous and high data-rate access technologies have emerged based on a range of wireless, fibre and optical-wireless technologies. The renewed interest in terrestrial Free-Space Optical (FSO) communications is largely due to a license-free operation, a point-topoint and line-of-sight (LOS) high data-rate transmission capability over long link distances, a low deployment cost and power efficient management characteristics [1]. Moreover, the availability of commercial FSO links offer cost effective full-duplex 1.25 Gbit/s Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) over 500 m link compared with the fibre-based solutions [2,3], hence offering an alternative complementary technology to the radio based links for the last-mile access. However, the weather and atmospheric conditions can instigate a high outage probability on the FSO link, thus limiting the link range and availability due to a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Amongst many atmospheric constituents, fog is the biggest contributor to the optical attenuation (480 dB/km attenuation in dense maritime fog). This is due to the Mie scattering of the optical beam, which reduces the link visibility particularly near the ground and consequently degrades the link performance [4].In many cases, depending on the location, environment, etc. assessing the FSO link performance in a real foggy condition may take a very long time and will depend on when fog is present and how long it will last. Thus the need for an indoor fog test bed where measurement could readily be carried under controlled environment. In [5] replication of the atmospheric phenomenon under controlled environments has been analyzed. It is shown that the resemblance of the outdoor conditions depends on the index of refraction structure constant C n 2 whereas the link margin is related to the scintillation and attenuation. This paper analyzes the performance of a real fast Ethernet (100BASE-TX 100Mbit/s LAN) FSO link under controlled fog conditions. The experiment is carried out using a dedicated indoor atmospheric chamber capable of replicating turbulence and fog. In this paper, the chamber performance is experimentally evaluated for the on-off keying non-return-to-zero (OOK-NRZ), OOK return-to-zero (OOK-RZ) and four pulse position modulation (4-PPM) formats. Then the complete evaluation of the FSO fast Ethernet and Ethernet 10BASE-T link, based on OOK-NRZ signalling with 4B5B coding, over a 12 m link range under controlled fog environment is carried out.