DOI: 10.1002/1521-3749(200109)627:9<2039::aid-zaac2039>3.0.co;2-#
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[{C 8 H 12 Rh} 33 ‐OH) 2 ]SbF 6 : Ein neuer metallorganischer Rhodiumkomplex mit Rh 3 O 2 ‐Kern

Abstract: Crystals of C 24 H 38 F 7 O 2 Rh 3 Sb (3) obtained from the crystallisation of 2 from wet solvents consist of [{C 8 H 12 Rh} 3 (l 3 -OH) 2 ] + cations connected with the SbF 6 ± anions via hydrogen bonds. In the cations, the Rh 3 faces are bicapped by OH ± ligands.

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Cited by 5 publications
(6 citation statements)
References 2 publications
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“…This “formally ionic” species crystallizes as neutral chains originating from the presence of strong OH···F−H−F···HO (the O···F distance is near 2.50 Å) hydrogen bonds between the trinuclear complex cation (Figure ) and the bifluoride anion. The very same cation has been previously observed in the SbF 6 - salt . Interestingly, besides having a similar molecular stereochemistry, the two species also share some analogies at the supramolecular level.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 79%
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“…This “formally ionic” species crystallizes as neutral chains originating from the presence of strong OH···F−H−F···HO (the O···F distance is near 2.50 Å) hydrogen bonds between the trinuclear complex cation (Figure ) and the bifluoride anion. The very same cation has been previously observed in the SbF 6 - salt . Interestingly, besides having a similar molecular stereochemistry, the two species also share some analogies at the supramolecular level.…”
Section: Resultssupporting
confidence: 79%
“…Although the first one is rather short (with the caveats inherent in the XRPD method), this effect should not be surprising because the few known structures containing the Rh 3 (µ 3 -OX) 2 core show a large variability in the Rh-Rh contacts (2.87-3.12), which are then to be considered rather flexible. 20,21 In particular, the closely related SbF 6salt, cited above, shows an isosceles triangle metal core with similar distances.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 88%
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“…X-ray analysis of a yellow crystal thus grown directly from the reaction solution revealed the structure of 1 to be [(COD) 3 Rh 3 (μ 3 -OH) 2 ] + HF 2 - (Figures and ), a cationic trinuclear hydroxo complex with bifluoride as the counterion. The cationic core [(COD) 3 Rh 3 (μ 3 -OH) 2 ] + has been previously reported once, in the form of the SbF 6 - salt. Because the geometry parameters found for the cation of 1 are almost identical with those reported for [(COD) 3 Rh 3 (μ 3 -OH) 2 ] + SbF 6 - , the structure of 1 will not be discussed in detail herein.…”
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 94%
“…The cationic core [(COD) 3 Rh 3 (μ 3 -OH) 2 ] + has been previously reported once, in the form of the SbF 6 - salt. Because the geometry parameters found for the cation of 1 are almost identical with those reported for [(COD) 3 Rh 3 (μ 3 -OH) 2 ] + SbF 6 - , the structure of 1 will not be discussed in detail herein.
1 ORTEP drawing of the Rh 3 cation of 1 .
Section: Resultsmentioning
confidence: 94%