DOI: 10.1016/0014-5793(92)80884-j
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Calcium administration stimulates the expression of calcium‐binding protein regucalcin mRNA in rat liver

Abstract: The distribution and expression of mRNA ene.oding the Ca2"-binding protein regucalcin in rats were investigated by Northern blot analys~. Li~ver regucalein eDNA (0.6 kb) was used as a prob~. The analyses of total RNAs extracted from various tissues of rat indicated that r~gu~tlcin mRlqA was mainly prc~ent in liver but only slightly in kidney with a size of 1.8 kb. The expression level decr~d with increasing age (3, 10 and 25 wc~ks). A single intra~riton~i administration of calcium chloride (15 mg Ca/100 g body… Show more

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Cited by 119 publications
(96 citation statements)
References 17 publications
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“…From rat liver regucalcin cDNA cloning, a cDNA clone with an insert of 1.7 kb was obtained. Northern hybridization of rat liver mRNA with the obtained regucalcin cDNA probe gave a definite band of about 1.7 kb confirming the full-length size of the regucalcin cDNA clone, as reported previously [15,16]. The amino acid sequence deduced from the regucalcin cDNA coincided completely with the amino acid sequence of regucalcin as analyzed by digestion with proteases.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 86%
“…From rat liver regucalcin cDNA cloning, a cDNA clone with an insert of 1.7 kb was obtained. Northern hybridization of rat liver mRNA with the obtained regucalcin cDNA probe gave a definite band of about 1.7 kb confirming the full-length size of the regucalcin cDNA clone, as reported previously [15,16]. The amino acid sequence deduced from the regucalcin cDNA coincided completely with the amino acid sequence of regucalcin as analyzed by digestion with proteases.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 86%
“…Nevertheless, androgens are known to increase intracellular [Ca 2C ] in a wide array of cells, namely SC (Gorczynska & Handelsman 1995), human prostatic stromal cells (Oliver et al 2010), rat thoracic aorta (Montano et al 2008), and human lymphocytes (Popova et al 2007). It is also known that Rgn expression is upregulated by increased [Ca 2C ] (Shimokawa & Yamaguchi 1992, 1993. Therefore, we do not exclude that the DHT-induced rise in Rgn expression may be partly due to a secondary increase in intracellular Ca 2C .…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 95%
“…RGN plays an important role in intracellular Ca 2C homeostasis by modulating the activity of enzymes regulating Ca 2C concentration, and enhancing Ca 2C -pumping activity through the plasma membrane, endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria of several cell types (Yamaguchi 2005). In turn, Rgn expression is upregulated by increased Ca 2C concentration in liver and kidney cells (Shimokawa & Yamaguchi 1992, 1993, Yamaguchi & Kurota 1995.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Regucalcin is greatly expressed in the liver and only to a small extent in the kidney cortex (15,16). In addition, a lower expression of regucalcin is found in rat brain (17), heart muscle (18) and bone tissue (19).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%