Backgrounds: In the last two decades, studies have been widely carried out to assess the association between singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) gene in exon 7 and the risk of urolithiasis. However, inconsistency across the studies was reported. Therefore, our current study aimed to perform a meta-analysis concerning the association between the risk of urolithiasis and the gene polymorphisms of CaSR R990G, CaSR A986S, and CaSR Q1011E. Methods: Published papers from PubMed, Embase, Cohcrane, and Web of science were included for the study, and they were analyzed using fixed or random effect model. Results: A total of 11 papers consisting of eight papers evaluating CaSR R990G, nine papers evaluating CaSR A986S, and five papers evaluating CaSR Q1011E were included in our analysis. Our pooled calculation found that protective effect against urolithiasis was observed in R allele and RR genotype of CaSR R990G and A allele and AA genotype of CaSR A986S. Conversely, increased susceptibility to urolithiasis was found in G allele and RG genotype of CaSR R990G and S allele of CaSR A986S. Interestingly, our findings in subgroup analysis confirmed that the correlation between CaSR R990G and urolithiasis was found in Caucasian population. Meanwhile, in Asian population, the association was observed in CaSR A986S. Conclusions: CaSR R990G and CaSR A986S, but not CaSR Q1011E, are associated with the risk of urolithiasis.